LEISUREBUDDY.COM - make more of your leisure time!

Make more of your Leisure Time

When we created Leisure Buddy our central premise was to help people make more of their leisure time by enabling them to meet up with others that share the same leisure time pursuits. There’s no doubt about it, leisure time is important. People are constantly trying to create more ‘free’ or leisure-time, and complain when they don’t get enough of it! It’s important to spend your leisure time wisely as doing so can lead to an enjoyable, fulfilled, and happy life. Whether you use your leisure time to relax, socialise, ‘work–out’, or get that adrenaline fix; whether it be engaging in a means to an end (creating something, developing a skill), or an end in itself (for the sheer enjoyment and pleasure of it); whether your thing is sport, hobby, or culture; or whether you looking to take up something new, below we’ll take a look at some of ways in which you may spend that valuable leisure time.

To make the most of your leisure time it is important to keep abreast of what’s going on your local area: local newspapers and radio stations provide a great way of doing this, listing sporting and culture events. Art, hobby, recreation, sport, and culture exhibitions listings are also available on the internet. If you are disabled, specialist advice about leisure activities is available , similarly if you are visually impaired information about leisure activities can be found here.

If you already know which activities you enjoy, and are not already a member, it’s a good idea to join a club or organisation. Engaging in a sport or activity with others, even if you can do it on your own, is much more enjoyable, and joining a club or society is a good way to improve your social life. Even if you just fancy trying something new: joining a club is a good way of have a go without being forced to buy your own equipment, and your fellow club members will inevitably be a good source of help and advice. If you’d simply like to get fit, swim, use a gym, and play tennis, David Lloyd leisure clubs offer these facilities.

If spending your leisure time in a relaxing fashion is more your style, or you fancy getting creative, a craft or hobby might be more for you. Yahoo provides a useful hobbies directory, and another site with other useful links is UK 250. There are numerous sites supplying hobby materials online, for example:

Links to internet sites about crafts, and sites supplying crafts materials, can be found on our advice page for the retired. If you are disabled, help and suggestions for hobbies can be found at Ability.org.uk.

If you have just moved to a new area, spend a lot of time traveling, or are recently retired; whether your thing be sport, hobby, craft, or cultural activity, our very own LeisureBuddy.com can assist. We can help you find others who share your passions, or simple see what others in your local area are up to.  Leisure buddy lists activities from abseiling to astronomy, wine making to wrestling, so whatever your passion we’re here to help get you connected. We wish you a productive leisure time, and fulfillment in whatever sport or activity you choose to do.

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